
Our Educational Services





* Please note that most of our services can be accessed ONLINE, as well as in-person either at your home, in one of our offices, or within your local community. 

Community Classrooms

For many years, parents have had to choose between the large classrooms of bricks-and-mortar public and independent schools, or the singularity of home schooling. Now, Pivot Point’s Community Classrooms create a safe and effective learning space that provides the best of both worlds throughout the full school year. 

In partnership with Online Learning (OL) Schools across BC, our students pursue academic, social and emotional goals as defined by their IEP’s.  With guidance from OL Teachers and Pivot Point’s Counsellors and Behaviour Consultants, our instructional staff customize each lesson of each day to meet the individual needs of each student.

Our class sizes range from 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 12 students per location, with very low student to staff ratios.

These small class sizes optimize the one-to-one and small group learning opportunities that most of our students need to help them thrive. The safety of our small groups provides comfort and support, letting each student focus on the skills most meaningful to them. Whether that’s literacy, numeracy or communication skills, or social, emotional, behavioural and self-regulation skills, each classroom is carefully planned then stocked with learning materials designed to promote each child’s growth towards their full potential.

“When students require a 1-1 or 2-1 level of support, we can often work within the home… providing considerably more direct service time every week of the school year compared to many other common options! “

Either in-home or in a Community Classroom, our dedicated staff are trained to support students with ASD, FASD, and other learning and behaviour challenges by working alongside each student to help them meet the learning outcomes of BC’s Ministry of Education with adaptation or modifications where needed. Learning is tailored to each student’s interests helping to make learning fun and successful.


Learn more about EACH of the Community Classroom locations currently running,  or just starting up throughout BC. 


To register for any Community Classroom at any time of the year, please complete and submit our registration form as soon as possible.

Space is limited in these specialized learning environments because the Online Learning Schools have limited spaces available for enrollment, and once enrolled with an OL, Pivot Point’s Classrooms have limited seats as well!  So please act quickly to explore options in YOUR community!

If you are new to us, please register for the Fall school year as soon as possible BEFORE the end of the previous school year: After July 1st is often too late!  Or if you are joining us just for the Spring school term (starting February 1st), be sure to register before December 15th. Students already enrolled with an OL can register with us faster if your local classroom has suitable space for your student. All registrations are welcome and supported to the best of our ability.  

Full year registration fee: $7000 (in addition to SN-OL contract).

Fun Fact for those new to Online Learning: 

“Enrollment” is the process of having a student committed to and accepted by a school (whether it is public, Private, or Online Learning).

“Registration” is the process of having a student committed to and accepted by a PROGRAM (like Pivot Point’s Community Classrooms). 

These are two separate steps, with two different organizations… and in many situations, both steps are required. 

If you’re new to all of this, we’re here to help you find your way through! 

Community Classroom Features


Community Classrooms operate Monday through Friday, from 9:00am-2:30pm for students in Kindergarten through grade 12.


Small class sizes enable self-paced learning! Our students explore topics and lessons based on interests and abilities.

IEP Learning

Throughout every day, individual and group lessons are based on student's IEPs.


Community outings are frequently incorporated into our weekly plans to provide exercise, generalization of skills, and to join local communities.

passions are explored

We explore and help nurture each student's interests and passions... which help us inspire a love of learning, and sense of meaning.


We are committed to developing social and emotional well being, so we hold many events for our students and their families.